Hypnosis for OCD & Obsessive Thoughts

Obsessive thoughts are a frequent symptom of feeling stressed, depressed or anxious. Some times this can develop into Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or OCD. Both can be treated with hypnosis to manage thought patterns that lead to negative feelings and behaviours.

Obsessive thoughts explained

If the primitive, emotional part of our brain feels that we are in danger, it will automatically want to keep drawing our attention back to whatever it perceives to be the problem.

So if we are feeling anxious about our finances or relationship issues, we will probably be continually reminded of it throughout the day.

The primitive part of our brain doesn’t recognise that a bill we need to pay is not necessarily a danger. It simply responds in the same way it would to a real life-threatening problem, such as running into a bear. (If we were faced with a bear, we would definitely not want to forget it was there!)

Worrying is a kind of obsessive thinking. When people worry, they often feel that they can’t help it. The thoughts just keep popping into their heads, even if they are trying to work or concentrate on other things. They soon become a thought pattern.

To some extent, worrying about something can feel as if we are doing something about it. But unfortunately, when we worry we are creating even more levels of stress, and in turn making ourselves feel even worse.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Obsessive thoughts can also turn into OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder), a condition in which a person is compelled to carry out certain rituals or acts, often repeatedly, in order to feel safe.

This behaviour may involve:

  • rechecking things – your oven, doors and windows
  • collecting and hoarding or being unable to throw things away
  • repeated hand-washing
  • obsession with germs or dirt.

These rituals often cause great distress and interfere dramatically with a person’s life.

OCD can also involve distressing thoughts like harming oneself or others, or feeling strongly that others might be affected if rituals are not performed correctly.

How hypnotherapy can treat OCD and obsessive thoughts

Hypnotherapy can help with obsessive thoughts and OCD by calming down the primitive emotional part of the brain that encourages us into repetitive behaviours for our ‘survival’.

By gently reducing the stress in your life, we can relax the obsessive part of the mind and teach it that it needn’t respond as if we are in danger.

If you would like to try hypnotherapy for OCD and obsessive thoughts, simply get in touch to book your Initial Consultation. Or if you have more questions and would like to book a 15-minute call, simply use the form provided.


“One has to feel comfortable with the therapist and I felt totally at ease with Veronique, never judged, just understood. Veronique has genuine empathy. I enjoyed our sessions immensely.”

Please note: Solution Focused Hypnotherapy is very effective, however, results may vary and success is not guaranteed. The treatment requires your willingness and commitment to bring about the changes.

Contact me to book your Initial Phone Consultation

If you would like to book a session, either online (via Zoom) or in person at my hypnotherapy practice in South Devon, or if you have any questions, please get in touch via the form below and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

You can also reach me by phone on: 07746 645217.

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